One fine spring day, thirty pilgrims set off from Harry Bailey's inn in Southwark for the shrine of Thomas a Becket in Canterbury. The innkeeper makes an offer that none of the travellers can refuse: a free dinner at his inn, on their return, to the person who can tell the best story. So begins the assortment of tales from such varied characters as the Knight, the wife of Bath, the Miller and many more.
About the Author
Often referred to as the father of English poetry, Geoffrey Chaucer was a fourteenth-century philosopher, alchemist, astrologer, bureaucrat, diplomat, and author of many significant poems. Chaucer’s writing was influential in English literary tradition, as it introduced new rhyming schemes and helped develop the vernacular tradition—the use of everyday English—rather than the literary French and Latin, which were common in written works of the time. Chaucer’s best-known—and most imitated—works include The Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde, The Book of the Duchess, and The House of Fame.
Author : Geoffrey Chaucer
Publisher : Puffin Classics
Binding Type : Paperback
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 978-0140380538